Museo Dabawenyo Apk Download


An interactive virtual reality museum of Museo Dabawenyo that lets the player/user explore the virtual galleries and interact with its 3D objects/artifacts to view its information. The application Consists of two galleries which is the Lumadnog Gallery and Duhwow, Dabaw, Davao Gallery. Lumadnog Gallery, showcases selected artifacts/objects from the museum that the player/user can interact with while the Duhwow, Dabaw, Davao Gallery, it shows the history of Davao City landmarks. 


An interactive virtual reality museum of Museo Dabawenyo that lets the player/user explore the virtual galleries and interact with its 3D objects/artifacts to view its information. The application Consists of two galleries which is the Lumadnog Gallery and Duhwow, Dabaw, Davao Gallery. Lumadnog Gallery, showcases selected artifacts/objects from the museum that the player/user can interact with while the Duhwow, Dabaw, Davao Gallery, it shows the history of Davao City landmarks.

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